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Veteran Mentorship Program


mentorship sealMany students who make the transition from the Military to Higher Education, suddenly experience a shift in lifestyles and cultures. This culture shift during their first-year is a crucial time in their lives, and the NMSU Veteran Mentorship Program will help foster a smooth transition.


The NMSU Veteran Mentorship Program will help our first-year student veterans make a smooth transition and succeed academically.


  • Help first-year student veterans successfully transition to an academic setting.
  • Help first-year student veterans be aware of various financing options.
  • Help first-year student veterans understand the process needed to receive VA education benefits.
  • Help first-year student veterans be aware of various resources at NMSU and in the community.

Helpful Links

MVP New Student Checklist (Checklist to ensure a smooth transition to MVP)
MVP Resident Tuition Waiver (In-state tuition waiver)
MVP Resource & Contact Information (Sheet lists federal, state, and NMSU campus resources to assist our students with academic/financial support, completion of studies, job search activities, and much more).
Student Certification Checklists (Steps needed to initiate the certification and receive your VA education benefits)
1. Apply for Admission. Note, that this can be a lengthy process due to the transcripts.

2. Request Transcripts: College, military, and high school transcripts.
-Remember: Transcripts must come from one institution directly to our institution-

Air Force Transcripts
Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy Transcripts

3. Apply for VA Education Benefits:
-We strongly encourage you to apply as soon as possible, since the application process can be lengthy-

4. Apply for other sources of funding: FAFSA/Scholarships
-We strongly encourage you to apply for more than one source of funding-

Learn about FAFSA
NMSU Scholarships
Private Scholarships

5. Register for Mandatory Orientation. All new, incoming freshmen and transfer students must complete orientation before registering for classes.  To register for orientation, visit: awo.nmsu.ed

-If you need to complete a math or English placement test before orientation, you will receive an email to both your NMSU email and the personal email you provided to AWO when the course is ready.

6. Advising: Talk to an Academic Advisor to register for classes.

7. Certification: The MVP Office will need a copy of each of the following documents:

Student Schedule (myNMSU)
 - Follow the Running a Student Schedule guide to obtain a copy.
STAR Degree Audit Report
 - Follow the Running a STAR Degree Audit guide to obtain a copy.
VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or VR&E VA Authorization (PO)
Student Responsibilities Form (MVP website)
Out of State Students ONLY MVP Resident Tuition Waiver (MVP Website)

Email documents from your myNMSU email to

PDF: Veteran Mentorship Program flyer


Paul Aragon, Student Program Coord, Sr.
U.S. Army Veteran
575-646-4524 or
Live Chat (Microsoft Teams App)


Military and Veterans Programs
New Mexico State University
MSC 4740, P.O. Box 30001
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001

Location and Hours

Corbett Center, Room 244
(2895 S. Locust St, 88003)
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.